
Installation of Natural and Engineered Stone for Kitchen Splashbacks

Are you interested in installing an engineered stone kitchen splashback in your home or space? MSM Stone has put together an article outlining the typical splashback journey, so you can make more of an informed decision.

Do you need a kitchen splashback? Whether you are refurbishing an old kitchen or creating a new one, you should always include splashbacks above your countertops, sink and stove in order to protect your walls from splatters and stains. Two popular materials for these kitchen elements today are natural and engineered stone. Wondering how to install a stone splashback in your kitchen? To ensure that your splashbacks are installed correctly and durably, it is best if you trust the task to professional stone masons. The cut and installation procedure is similar for both, as you will learn in the following details.

Initial Consultation Begins the Process
‘How much does a kitchen splashback cost’ is often the first question on everyone’s mind. The first thing you need is an initial consultation with the professional company that will install your splashback. This allows the company to scope out the project and provide you with a quote. You will need to select your choice of engineered or natural stone during this process but refer to the next section to learn more about this.

You Select between the Natural Stone and Engineered Stone
During the consultation, you will need to choose between the various types of natural stones or the engineered stone for your splashback. Knowing how to choose a kitchen splashback can be tough. Top choices for the natural stone include granite and marble. Engineered stone is a combination of pure quartz, pigment and resin. All are highly durable and attractive for splashbacks. If you’re still unsure, we’ve compiled a list of stone splashback pros and cons, for materials such as granite and marble.

Materials Are Reserved or Ordered If Necessary 
After the first two stages are complete, your materials will be reserved or ordered if necessary and a date will be set for the installation. Next the materials will need to be cut to size.

Cutting Stage
Natural stone and engineered stone both come in slabs. The professionals with skillfully and accurately cut each slab according to your exact specifications to ensure a perfect fit.

Installation Stage
To install the splashbacks, the professionals will apply adhesive to the appropriate wall areas. They make certain to spread it evenly so there are no gaps. Then, the pieces are positioned on the adhesive. All seams will be sealed to be as invisible as humanly possible.

Final Touches
When you select a porous natural stone, such as marble or granite, for your splashbacks, the professionals will need to apply a sealant to protect the splashbacks from stains and moisture absorption. If you choose the engineered stone, though, it requires no sealing since it is non-porous and stain resistant.

For further facts about the cut and installation of natural and engineered stone for kitchen splashbacks, turn to MSM Group. We specialise in the installation of both of these materials for stone splashbacks in Melbourne as well as, for other areas of your house. Our company offers you high-quality materials, workmanship and customer service. Contact us today.

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